20+ Years of Experience Treating clients, with over 15,000 hand on hours of experience.. Accepting New Clients with Crystal Sivill, RMT, Dr. Ac at Florenceville or Woodstock, NB. (more services to be added)

Booking and service buttons appear as choices near the bottom of the page.

There are 3 ways to book or Set up your Account Today

  1. “Sign in Directly” in the “Upper Right Corner”of the screen*(All your information is confidential, needed & important please take your time)
  2. CLICK THE LOCATION YOU WANT. CLICK THE SERVICE YOU WANT. CLICK THE TIME YOU WANT IN THE CALENDAR If you do not see a time that will work for you in the calender text or call
  3. Text/ call me directly to help you book a time that works. Not all available time slots show in the online booking calendar.

Texting is the fastest method of contact 506.888.9606

The hours and time slots online may not reflect all possible times available for you to book please message to ask about other options. I will also treat groups of people such as families, businesses, events or special occasion requests at a home, office, or event location. Please call me directly for details. Facebook. Website.